Asco Pompe S.r.l. developed Health and Safety System certificated by UNI ISO 45001:2018 by notified body
The main system’s aspects includes: respect of Safety, Hygiene on the workplace and the rules of fire prevention.
The commitment to continuous improvement is oriented to the personal that operate daily within the Organization and to respect the community in which the Company operates. The Health and Safety System management, encourages the involvement and participation of all staff, both inside and outside the company, and is constantly updated to ensure their functionality.

This Safety Policy is checked and updated according to evolution of the reference legislation and the assessments expressed during Management Review.


Human rights principles, health, safety and respect of the dignity of human beings are the core principles that inspire the Health and Safety Policy of ASCO POMPE S.r.l., whose aim is to guarantee the protection of workers including all the other related parties and guarantee hygiene at work during the conduct of its business, in all the working activities.

The commitment of ASCO POMPE S.r.l. results in developing and implementing an Health and Safety Management System through the active involvement of whole company structure, so that each single worker of the company takes part, according to its duties, in achieving the identified safety targets and in promoting the diffusion of a real and true culture of safety at work.

The company operates by pursuing continuous improvement through:

• Compliance with laws and with the other commitments of the organization;
• Ensure that the risk arising from the activities carried out is the lowest reasonably being pursued, through a study and a check by the people involved in the choice of the best and most feasible prevention and protection measures;
• Identification of a person to support the already existing structure in order to ensure the controls and checks for the correct application of the Safety Management System and to support workers during the application of the System itself;
• Definition and implementation of the methodologies for the identification and valuation of hazards and the potential sources of emergency situations, considering the technological and organizational variables of the company, in order to prevent their occurrence and in order to plan the actions to be taken to minimize any consequences;
• The commitment to train and to raise awareness in the workers, in order to increase their acknowledgement and competence, in order to be able to take their responsibilities regarding health and safety at work and to be able to enforce the management system;
• To plan audits for the suppliers of goods and services, for partners and customers, in order to endorse the principles of health and safety protection, as well as the cooperation with public authorities, with category associations and with all the other institutional and social parties;
• To identify achievable and measurable targets, to monitor their achievements and to eventually make corrections and additions in order to guarantee the financial and human resources with the aim of achieving them.
• Protection of employees through the respect of the people without any distinction of race, religion, sex and with due regard for the regulations regarding safety and worker protection;
• Prevention of accidents and professional illness supervised by management and by operational workers of the company;

The implementation of the above principles results in the design, realization and maintenance of a Company Management System for Health and Safety, which is compliant with the requirements of UNI EN ISO 45001:2018.

Rozzano (MI), 12/06/2020